Elected Line Chapter Officers
Commander: Dave Grant
SR Vice: Bob Smith
JR Vice: David Stone
Elected and/or Appointed Officers
Adjutant: Roger Nichols
Treasurer: Don Dix
Comm 1st YR: Steve Benz
Comm 2nd YR: Buzz Lewandowski
Comm 3rd YR: Dan Phillips
All Elected Positions are done annually First General Membership Meeting in April
Judge Advocate: Jim Sessa
Social Affairs: Dave Rife
Benefits Protection: Bob Smith
Vet SVC Center: Jerry Massey
Comm Relations: Arthur Rimback
CCVC Reps: Earl McAfee & Joe Rapley
Fiance Comm: Rob Olson, Jim Sessa
Nom. Comm: Jerry Massey, Pete Whisenant, Pat Leverty
Chaplin: Joe Cuocci & Wendy Davis
IT Manager: Pat Leverty
CSO: Pete Whisenant
Training SO: Earl McAfee & Joe Rapley
Chapter Historian: Rob Olson
Quartermaster: Dave Rife
SGT @ Arms: Sheriff Jerry Massey
Social Media: Steve Benz
Service Officers
Mon: Rob Olson, Pete Whisenant, Brian Roman,
Torrence White, Jim Sessa
Tues: Joe Rapley, Steve Benz, Jeff Largent,
Annamarie Remmel
Wed: Earl McAfee, Bob Smith, Summer McClung,
Wendy Davis, Amber Jones
Thurs: Pete Whisenant, Buzz Lewandowski, Ted Ballin,
Brian Roman, Mike Schmitz
Fri: Joe Rapley, Ted Ballin, Pat Leverty
MIke Mullins
Front Desk
Mon: Roger Nichols, Hank Hartman, Brittnay, & Dave Smeltz
Tues: Chris Jensen, Donnie Head, Charles York
Wed: Roger Nichols, Jerry Massey, Joe Cuocci, Joe Hanna
Thurs: John Bahner, Pam Biggs, Paul Stearns
Fri: Dave Rife, David Stone, George Hutton
Ways to express your appreciation and gratitude
Volunteer, Questions, Comments, and/or Concerns
We are a fully volunteer organization. 100% of the funds collected are used to help local Veterans and their families. This is done with the devoted efforts of our 20 trained Service Officers Line Officers, 20 plus office staff and other volunteers working hands-on.
Be an ANGEL INVESTOR and help pay forward so fellow Veterans may continue to enjoy the support from DAV CH82 in seeking benefits from the VA.
Your philanthropy is an investment in the future of Robert L. Cochran, Jr CH 82 DAV. A monthly gift assists the chapter in maintaining its operations and maintenance tempo and supports your Service Officer.